Everything DISC Essentials
An introduction to the entire Everything DiSC® suite in one course!
An introduction to the entire Everything DISC® suite in one course!
Everything DISC® Essentials
Everything DISC® Essentials is the perfect resource to develop foundational knowledge of the Everything DISC solutions suite. The course provides insights on Everything DISC® Productive Conflict, Workplace, Management, Work of Leaders, and Sales. With flexible access to the online Everything DISC Training Center, you’ll expand your DISC® knowledge and become more confidentinmaximizingthebenefitsofusing Everything DISC
The Course:
With 2-3 hours of engaging and interactive online activities, this self-directed learning resource is a great way to access the information you need, when you need it! Work through the course at your own pace and revisit the content at your convenience. You’ll learn how to:
• Use Everything DISC profiles and their applications in the workplace
• Understand how to respond to commonly asked questions about the DISC model and Everything DISC report interpretation
• Enhance your DISC experience with support reports
• Consider strategies for keeping DISC alive in your organization |
Optional informational webinar available when course opens.
So what does it cost?
The cost to take the course is $735+GST per person
Ready to register? Click the link below or send us an email orders@fortunaintl.co.nz
Everything DISC and Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team are trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or its affiliated companies